Airflow Management and Cooling Optimisation Best Practices Webinar

How to make quick improvements that have a big impact!

EDP Europe is partnering with Upsite Technologies to deliver a free to attend webinar via Zoom on the 19th and 21st May 2020. In these uncertain times now is the opportunity to discover how managing your Data Centre’s airflow and optimising cooling benefits the Data Centre.

With so many variables affecting airflow within a Data Centre, it can be daunting to know where to start and how to get the most out of airflow management improvements. The 4 R’s of Airflow Management™, developed by Upsite Technologies, is a holistic methodology for identifying and implementing changes to optimise the Data Centre’s cooling infrastructure and realise energy savings.

The 4 R’s are: the Raised Floor, the Rack, the Row, and the Room.

After making airflow management improvements at the Raised floor, the Rack, or the Row levels, it is important to make adjustments to the cooling unit controls at the Room level to optimise the cooling infrastructure. This is referred to as cooling optimisation and is done by lowering fan speeds, raising cooling unit temperature set points, or turning cooling units off altogether. While the first 3 R’s may improve IT intake air temperatures, the financial and capacity benefits of airflow management are still left on the table. The only way to realise energy savings from improvements made at the Raised Floor, the Rack, and the Row levels is through cooling optimisation (i.e. the Room level).

In this airflow management and cooling optimisation webinar we will discuss:

  • How to identify and implement airflow management improvements at the Raised floor, the Rack, and the Row levels.
  • How to effectively eliminate exhaust recirculation and bypass airflow at these levels.
  • How to optimise the cooling infrastructure at the Room level to improve energy efficiency (resulting in reduced operating costs), improve cooling capacity, improve IT equipment reliability, and defer capital expenditure.

The webinar will be hosted by Lars Strong P.E. a thought leader and recognised expert on data centre optimisation. He currently serves as the Senior Engineer and Company Science Officer of Upsite Technologies. Lars is a certified U.S. Department of Energy Data Centre Energy Practitioner (DCEP) HVAC Specialist.

The webinars will take place a 3pm BST (British Summer Time / GMT+1) on the 19th and 21st May 2020. Each will be recorded and a link provided after to all that register.

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