Pre-configured ODFs – Data Centre Fibre Cabling Distribution Racks

How you want them, available when you need them

Pre-configuring ODFs is a service available from EDP Europe designed to reduce lead times, speed up installation at site, and enable clients to rapidly expand their fibre connectivity infrastructure.

Data Centres and data centre operators are under constant pressure to provide fast and reliable connectivity to their customers and consumers of data across a broad range of sectors including corporate IT, cloud services, video on demand, and public services. Data centre operators and their clients exist within an ultra-competitive landscape where speed to deployment can make the difference between winning and losing customers.

High density fibre distribution infrastructure within Data Centres which offers the interconnections between sites, within sites, and the systems delivering the service that consumers need to access, form the critical back bone of the network infrastructure required to deliver high bandwidth applications to the consumer – wherever they are in the world.

The ability to provision new network capacity, reliably and quickly is a key differentiator in this competitive and demanding market.

ODF Build

EDP Europe is a value-added UK distribution partner of HUBER+SUHNER, a leading manufacturer of fibre network cabling and fibre management systems. . The HUBER+SUHNER CDR is the leading high-density fibre management system that provides the central cross-connects from the main distribution areas of data centres (Meet Me Rooms) where the in-coming fibres from the outside are distributed to the rest of the data centre.  HUBER+SUHNER CDRs have an incredibly small footprint as all the connections are accessed from the front of the rack. They are fully modular and scalable enabling up to 1620 ports using LC connectivity and 1080 ports using MTP connectivity.

Pre-Configured ODF Build

EDP Europe carries in stock, the building blocks of HUBER+SUHNER’s Cable Distribution Rack (CDR) which enables us to provide a rapid turn-around on pre-configured CDRs. EDP Europe pre-configures HUBER+SUHNER CDRs against customer requirements so that they are ready to be called off for installation – this service is available for the whole range of HUBER+SUHNER CDRs including 900w or 1500w designs, both supporting standard and ribbon fibre applications. The pre-configuration service includes the installation of tray units as required based on the presentation of fibres at the customer site. Fibre managers are installed onto the sides of the tray units and cable conduits run to each tray position, secured to the frame and labelled for ease of identification. The end result is a CDR ready to ship to site, making the onsite installation easier and quicker to complete.

By taking a modular approach, EDP Europe can supply high density CDRs fully configured within a matter of days. This can cut lead times by up to 8 weeks compared to the competition. When speed to deployment is key, this service can accelerate the time it takes for customers (data centre operators or end users) and their supply chain partners (installers) to deliver additional capacity in the network therefore giving them an edge over their competitors.

If you’re looking to implement a fibre network, contact us to find out more about how we can assist you.

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