Raised Floor Grommets
Floor grommets are designed to seal cable openings in raised floors.
KoldLok Raised Floor Grommets, from Upsite Technologies, are the leading solution for sealing cable openings in Data Centre and Enterprise computer room raised access floors. These are stocked and distributed in EMEA by EDP Europe.
Sealing cable openings with KoldLok grommets reduces bypass airflow. By improving airflow management it enables the optimisation of cooling systems. This can help improve the energy efficiency of the facility.
The most popular KoldLok raised floor grommets are the KoldLok Integral (46-1000-1010) which is designed for sealing cable cut outs in new raised floors. KoldLok Surface (46-2000-2020) is designed for sealing existing cable openings. Whilst the KoldLok 6″ Extended (46-4000-10013) will seal large openings particularly those found around the perimeter of the room. Finally, the KoldLok Round – a 4″ or 6″ round grommet that can be installed quickly and easily. Because openings can be cut using a core drill.
By following the 4R’s of airflow management, managing airflow at raised floor, rack, row and room levels, will enable the full optimisation of cooling systems.
Read more about Floor Grommets