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The KoldLok Surface L raised floor grommet is designed to existing cable openings. It’s pull apart design enables it to be installed with cables already installed through the openings. Two metal plates complete the seal of slight larger openings.

KoldLok Surface L Raised Floor Grommet

Part Number: 46-2000-2030

The KoldLok Surface L raised floor grommet is designed to fit in active raised floors to seal larger cable openings without affecting operations. The Surface L pulls apart into two halves and is then positioned around the cables. The KoldLok® Surface L has two metal plates that produces a ‘skirt’ that fits around the standard Surface Mount KoldLok® grommet. Based on measurements at multiple data centres, between 50% – 80% of conditioned air is not reaching the air intake of IT equipment due to unsealed flooring openings. This lost air, known as bypass airflow, contributes to IT equipment hot spots, cooling unit inefficiencies and increasing infrastructure costs. By sealing cable cut-outs with KoldLok® raised floor grommets you can address this bypass airflow, so drastically improving the cooling capacity within the data centre and preventing the detrimental effects bypass airflow has.

Read more about the benefits of floor grommets

Features & Benefits

KoldLok® Surface L Features

  • The KoldLok® Surface L is inherently self-sealing, using multi-layered, different sized filaments which interweave and overlap.
  • The fibres are cantilevered, so forcing them to close.
  • There are over 3,000 filaments per cross sectional inch.
  • All metal components within the grommets are anodized to resist corrosion.
  • Units are easily installed. Half of the unit is stuck to the floor tile using a double-sided adhesive seal, which provides a strong bond and prevents the grommet from coming loose. The other half has a single-sided adhesive seal which prevents air escaping. This half can be removed to allow access to the cables.
  • Overall dimension are: 12″ x 11¾” x 1 5/16″ (305mm x 298mm x 33mm)
  • Seals openings up to 10″ x 9¾” (254mm x 248mm)
  • Usable cable opening 8¼” x 4″ (210mm x 102mm)

KoldLok® Benefits

  • Increases existing cooling unit capacity
  • Reduces the need to purchase additional cooling units
  • Improves equipment reliability and extends equipment life
  • Increases static pressure under the raised floor and improves cool air delivery through perforated tiles and floor grates
  • Facilitates Cold Aisle / Hot Aisle best practices

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